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Misticanza con Fegatelli

Don't look to the glass of Rosè (Pinot Noir from Salviano Winery). It is an excellent wine, but it does not fit this dish.

"Misticanza con Fegatelli". You will not find Misticanza very often, it is a mixture of wild greens collecte in the fields, as many different there are as better it is!
As you find it not very often, I buy a lot when I can find it and then I have the processing problem :-).

Ok it will be boiled (not as gentle as in the case of Bieta o Ciccorione) in salted water, yes, yes salted water. Then the heavenly experience: I eat immediately some of the lukewarm Misticanza with the best Olive Oil I have on shelve. There is hardly something better.

The preparation on the picture is already from the next day. "Misticanza ripassata" in the Iron Wok with Garlic an Chilly peppers. I added a potato which was left lonely in the fridge.

Fegatelli you find more often, especially in Umbria. Pieces of pig liver surrounded by a fatty net with some Laurel. They are best panfried in an iron pan. I put some salt on the ground of the pan, but obviously no extra fat needed. After frying for 10 minutes, I chopped some spring onions into the pan. You see, they are not "well done". I don't like liver when it becomes too much cooked and hard.

...the wines

I opened the Rosè because I wanted to try with the hotness of the misticanza, but this Rosè was much too elegant and light.  A stronger Rosè might fit though.


"Tili Young"  was a big success.  Young is a kind of spicy by itself. It was a perfect match with the liver and went well also with the "misticanza".

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misticanza con patate