In Chengdu we presented 5 wineries - "Salviano" from the Lago di Corbara "Scacciadiavoli" from Montefalco, "Tili' from Assisi, "Duca della Corgna" from Lago di Trasimeno and "Cantine Terribile"from Puglia.
We participated in the big agricultural fair of Sichuan (thanking the Italian consulate for sponsoring the booth) and in an Italy/Sichuan Investment conference organized by the "Fondazione Italia/Cina", which pursues to establish business links between Sichuan and Italy.
We had the opportunity to present our wines to the management of Ruihua 199, a commercial management company, which works also in the area of alcoholic beverages.
On the Chengdu Trip we were accompanied by Stefano Magini, owner and Manager of the wonderful SPAO resort in Allerona, who is looking for lucki couples who want to marry at his place.