You think entrails are not fine food and maybe a bit vulgar?
I had my Easter lamb. I used most of the interiors to prepare a "Coratella"and yes, Coratella has a very strong taste, not to everyones liking (but see my coratella!!!)
I reserved a very special treatment for the best parts. Very thin liver slices and the sweat bread.
I had Ricotta from Basili. There is no better ricotta than Basili ricotta.
It was already Sunday and the ricotta was from Tuesday. It only got better every day. Then I had ham from my village butcher and the famous "primo sale" from butcher Peletti.
I wrapped ricotta into ham and primo sale. Nothing new until now. I often served it like this.
This became a great dish, but not as it was planned. I wanted to do my own "Coregone marinato". Well the fishermen's cooperative from Lago di Bolsena make an excellent "Coregone marinato", but I am always ambitious to make it better.
I had two dishes for dinner today. Bok Choy salad with potatoes and an anchovis garlic sauce, then a Sicilian noodles with Sicilian Broccoletti. The broccoletti were prepared in a classic way, boiled for some minutes, then "ripassata in Padella" with garlic and "peperoncini".